Approaches to the Carbon Sequestration in Climatic Projects


Nekrasov S. A.1


1. Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the RAS


Projects aimed at achieving carbon neutrality will increasingly determine the direction of the global economy. Their implementation will cause not only an increase in the cost of energy supply, but also lead to additional extraction of fossil fuel and an increase in demand for electricity. Under these conditions, the Russian Federation should adjust the vector of its development and use natural resources, taking into account the accumulated experience in solving complex problems based on a systematic approach. The transition from a fragmented approach to the integrated use of the afforestation and reforestation sequestration possibilities is the way to maintain the structural stability of the domestic economy. It is shown that the reforestation and afforestation on areas equivalent to those occupied by the Volga-Kama HPPs’ cascade’s reservoirs will result in an increase in carbon dioxide absorption comparative to a decrease in emissions when the energy from the gas-powered thermal power plants will be replaced by hydropower. Also presented are the numerical estimates of the increase in CO2 sequestration resulting from the reforestation on the area of an ancient lake, which used to occupy a significant part of the Mologo-Sheksninskaya lowland at the end of the ice age, in case of a change in the level of the Rybinsk reservoir.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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