Conductivity of Composites MeWO4–Al2O3 (Me = Ca, Sr)
Guseva A. F.1, Pestereva N. N.1, Kuznetsov D. K.1, Boyarshinova A. A.1, Gardt V. A.1
1. Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
Composites (1 – x)MeWO4–xАl2O3 (Me = Ca, Sr) are synthesized by the solid-phase method. Their phase composition and thermodynamic stability are confirmed by the XRD and TG-DSC data, respectively. Their morphology is studied by the SEM-EDA method. The conductivity of composites is studied by the method of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy as a function of the temperature, the gas-phase oxygen pressure, and the content of added disperse Аl2O3. It is shown that composites (1 – x)MeWO4–xАl2O3 (Me = Ca, Sr) are ionic conductors and their conductivity is 4–12 times higher as compared with the corresponding tungstates.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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