The Effect of the Working Electrode Material Based on Pt/SnO2(Sb) on the Properties of Hydrogen and Carbon-Monoxide Sensors
Shmygleva L. V.1, Starkov A. V.2, Leonova L. S.1
1. Federal Research Center of Problems of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences 2. Moscow State University
The effect of the platinum content (3–10 wt %) in the Pt/SnO2(Sb)-based working-electrode material on the properties (sensitivity, high-speed performance, recovery time) of solid-state potentiometric gas sensors for hydrogen and carbon monoxide including their simultaneous presence in air is studied. Sensors with 5% Pt demonstrate the best characteristics: the efficient carbon-monoxide detection for its concentration from 0.01 to 1 vol %; no effect of hydrogen present in the CO + air mixture in concentrations comparable with the CO concentration; the shortest relaxation time (~30 s at 1% CO).
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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