
Nahorniuk O.1ORCID


1. Korolov Zhytomyr Military Institute


The detection and technical analysis of the radio transmitters radiation of the unmanned aerial complexes elements allows to establish the fact of their use of and to identify type. Recognizing the type of unmanned aerial complex by their radio signals is carried out by comparing the estimated parameters of radio signals with known values stored in the database. The structure of the unmanned aerial complexes radio signal database based on the relational data model is proposed in the article. It is a set of interdependent two-dimensional tables that store information about parameters and characteristics of radio signals of control, telemetry and data radio lines, operating frequencies of receivers of the global navigation satellite systems, as well as purpose, belonging, aerodynamic scheme, appearance, main tactical and technical characteristics and recommendations for countermeasures. Information about the characteristics of unmanned aerial complex channels radio signals contains data on the frequency bands of the radio channel, spread spectrum parameters, modulation parameters, images of amplitude-frequency spectra and spectrograms. The use of the information collected in the database makes it possible to recognize the unmanned aerial complex type by its radio signals and to make a decision about the frequency bands in which the suppression of radio channel receivers, navigation equipment will be carried out, and to choose the most effective radio interference. Special software of the unmanned aerial complexes radio signal database was developed in accordance with the proposed structure. Special software allows you to view, edit, copy, add new information about unmanned aerial complexes, parameters and characteristics of their radio channels, as well as search. The special software user interface provides a simultaneous view of all information about unmanned aerial complex, parameters and characteristics of its radio signals. Keywords: database; radio signal; unmanned aircraft complex; parameter; characteristic; identification; countermeasure; special software.


Korolov Zhytomyr Military Institute

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