
Pozdniakov V.1ORCID,Buhaiov M.1ORCID


1. Korolov Zhytomyr Military Institute


This paper analyzes the acoustic signals of aerodynamic aerial attack weapons used by the Russian Federation during a full-scale invasion. These include strike unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles, jet and turboprop aircraft, and helicopters. It has been established that the time for observing an acoustic signal is limited by the speed of the vehicle. For high-speed targets (cruise missiles, airplanes), it averages 10 s, and for slower targets, 40-50 s. The Welch periodogram method was used to extract the spectral characteristics of acoustic signals. It is shown that the acoustic signal of propeller-driven vehicles is the sum of harmonic and noise-like broadband components, and that of turbojet-powered vehicles has a predominantly noise-like structure with several narrowband components. It was found that at the moment of maximum convergence, the signal spectrum has the greatest width. The characteristic change in the frequency of harmonic components associated with the Doppler effect is investigated. It can be used to estimate the parameters of motion and identify the vehicle. By correlation analysis of acoustic signals, it was found that broadband components have a noise-like structure. An acoustic signal for the case of simultaneous over flight of different types of vehicles was formed by adding records of different acoustic signals. It is shown that the characteristic spectral characteristics of all objects are preserved on the frequency-time plane. The results of the analysis can be used to build mathematical models of acoustic signals and to develop methods for processing signals of aerial attack weapons in an acoustic airspace monitoring system. Keywords: aerial attack weapons; acoustic signal; spectrogram; acoustic monitoring system; harmonic component.


Korolov Zhytomyr Military Institute

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