
Pilkevych I. A.1,Tokar A. M.1,Loboda R. I.1,Loboda V. V.1


1. Korolov Zhytomyr Military Institute


The rapid development of science and technology is leading to a significant expansion of the application areas of unmanned aerial systems for various purposes. The key to their effective use of unmanned aerial systems is the quality training of operators, an important element of which is the professional psychological selection of candidates, in particular, the assessment of their sensorimotor reactions. This can be ensured by selecting and justifying appropriate assessment algorithms. The article proposes algorithms that make it possible to estimate the time of sensorimotor reactions of an operator of unmanned aerial systems of the first class based on the accumulation of statistical material and its mathematical processing based on the results of a full-scale experiment. This makes it possible to evaluate the numerical characteristics of the distribution of the duration of the average reaction time in three modes: skill development, under conditions of interference, and under conditions of skill reconstruction, and ultimately to obtain a generalized assessment. By analyzing random continuous values that acquire a value over a certain interval, it was possible to establish standards against which the obtained indicators of sensorimotor reaction time of the operator of unmanned aerial systems of the first class are compared and a conclusion is made about their suitability for training. The results of testing of the proposed algorithms were carried out, statistical series for three evaluation modes were obtained.For a visual representation of the series, the corresponding histograms of the distribution of the duration of the average reaction time were constructed. In order to eliminate the representativeness error, the statistical series were aligned by selecting a theoretical distribution curve for each, which reflects only the essential features of the statistical material. For this purpose, the distribution histogram was approximated by a fourth-degree polynomial. The interval of the theoretical density of the distribution, falling within which the sensorimotor reaction of an arbitrary person is considered normal, is established. For a given probability of such an event, the reliability of such an event is 0.95. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, an algorithm for estimating the time of sensorimotor reaction of the operator of unmanned aerial systems of class 1 in three modes was synthesized and the corresponding software implementing the developed algorithm was developed. Keywords: unmanned aircraft complexes; sensorimotor reaction; mean reaction time.


Korolov Zhytomyr Military Institute


General Medicine

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