
Sydorchuk O. L.


The article analyses the relevance of well-known approaches to reducing radar visibility of signals intelligence and electronic warfare systems by reducing the effective scattering surfaces of their antenna systems based on the experience of the current Russian-Ukrainian war. The author has analysed known approximate methods used to calculate scattering of electromagnetic waves by antennas, and in particular, how integral and differential scattering surfaces can be calculated. The article provides simple formulas for estimating such values. The author proves that any reduction of the electromagnetic field re-radiated by weapons and military vehicles because of their specific shapes, use of radio-absorbing materials and coatings, etc. doesn't influence the scattering from their antenna systems. Challenging is the impossibility to avoid the above re-radiation, since according to the reciprocal operation principle, any antenna scatters at least half of the energy captured by it. Therefore, it makes sense to reduce the total or integral scattering capacity just a little bit. It can also be assumed that we can reduce the radar visibility of an antenna by replacing a linear polarization antenna with a circular polarization one. It will change the direction of wave reflection on the onboard radar sensor. The author recommends to apply miniaturized horn irradiators for their antenna systems in ground signals intelligence and electronic warfare stations provided that the performance characteristics are preserved by reducing overall dimensions, improving harmonization in antenna paths and reducing re-radiation from the antenna aperture. By selecting the amplitude and phase of the reflection coefficient in the feeder path, you can compensate for shadow and mode scattering and reduce it by 10–20 dB. The conducted study will further contribute to the development of an antenna design with a new small-sized irradiator and will make it possible to assess reduction of its effective scattering surface. Keywords: radar; pyramidal horn irradiator; reduction of effective scattering surface; radar visibility; electromagnetic wave diffraction.


Korolov Zhytomyr Military Institute


General Medicine

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