Where does the hendiadys in Phil. 1:1 come from? About the origins, misunderstandings, and argumentation of a questionable theory in English commentaries on Philippians 1:1


Olek GrzegorzORCID


In Philippians 1:1 two terms can be found that sound puzzling for a Pauline greeting: σύν ἐπισκόποις καὶ διακόνοις. There are English speaking exegetes who consider a hendiadys in this fragment as one possibility among many other interpretations. The following article is dedicated to the question of why a hendiadys, of all things, would be found in Phil. 1:1 and why this idea occurs almost exclusively in English commentaries – in contrast to German commentaries.  Four commentaries mentioning a hendiadys are subsequently analyzed to explore and verify the rationale in favour of a hendiadys. In the analysis, the concept of hendiadys is explained in more detail followed by the suggestion that hendiadys in Phil. 1:1 is primarily based on unclear definitions and misunderstandings.


Chrzescijanska Akademia Teologiczna w Warszawie

Reference33 articles.

1. Allen, Pauline. 2013. John Chrysostom, «Homilies on Philippians». Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Pauline Allen (Society of Biblical Literature Writings from the Graeco-Roman World 36). Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature.

2. BD: Blass, Friedrich, and Albert Debrunner. 1954. Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Griechisch, 9th ed. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck/Ruprecht.

3. BDF: Blass, Friedrich, and Albert Debrunner, Robert Funk. 1961. A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Cambridge-Chicago: University Press.

4. BDR: Blass, Friedrich and Albert Debrunner, Friedrich Rehkopf. 1976. Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Griechisch, 14th ed. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht.

5. Bühlmann, Walter, and Scherer, Karl. 1994. Sprachliche Stilfiguren der Bibel: Von Assonanz bis Zahlenspruch: Ein Nachschlagewerk. Gießen: Brunnen Verlag.








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