Introduction: During the period where the effects of Covid-19 pandemics have been intensively experienced, a 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck off İzmir province, resulting in devastating consequences. The earthquake during pandemics cause to increase work overload to healthcare professionals, leading to additional challenges in the management of the process. Aim: This is phenomenological research conducted to depict experiences and practices of healthcare professionals who experienced an earthquake together with pandemics. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted with 11 healthcare professionals working in the emergency department of a private healthcare facility in İZMİR. The data were collected using a semi-structured, online interview. Results: Overall, 3 primary and 18 sub-themes were revealed regarding the experiences and practices of the nurses. Most participants experienced emotions such as fear, shock, panic, and sadness at the time of the earthquake and when faced with earthquake victims. They experienced shortness in resources, safety concerns for themselves and their families as well as health issues and their management. Conclusion and suggestions:Participants reported that knowledge regarding competence in the profession, communication skills, ingenuity, and innovation in providing care due to shortness of resources, professional, triage, to provide psychological care, and follow-up skills are required in this challenging. Highlights: During disasters, healthcare professionals work in difficult conditions with limited resources and face problems and difficulties more than those experienced during their daily practice. This study presents very important information about health professionals' need to support not only the organization but also psychological support when is been living more than one disaster.
Saglik Akademisi Kastamonu
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