Analysis of Gross Enrollment Ratio, Net Enrollment Ratio, and School Enrollment Ratio Trends at the Elementary School Level


Mulyo Prayitno ,Mami Hajaroh


This investigates points to decide forecasts of the accomplishment of Net Enrollment Rates (APK), Immaculate Enrollment Rates (APM) and School Enrollment Rates (APS) for basic school instruction in Pati Rule, Central Java Territory. The quantitative information in this inquire about was gotten from the websites of the Pati Rule Instruction and Culture Office, the Central Java Central Insights Office, and the Service of Instruction, Culture, Inquire about and Innovation. Slant Examination employments the Direct relapse strategy. The inquire about comes about appear that the normal APK drift expectation for 2023 to 2032 is 103.44%, the normal APM slant forecast for 2023 to 2032 is 100% and the normal APS drift forecast for 2023 to 2032 is 99.53%. The anticipated patterns in APK, APM and APS in 2023 to 2032 have come to and surpassed the government's target of 99%. The anticipated APK slant in Pati Rule from 2022 to 2032 will decrease, from 2022 to 2032 the decrease will be 4.21%. The anticipated NER drift in Pati Rule from 2022 to 2032 will increment, it can be seen that the increment from 2022 to 2032 is 5.88%. The anticipated APS slant in Pati Rule from 2022 to 2032 will increment, this could be seen from 2022 to 2032 encountering an increment of 1.31%.


Institut Shanti Bhuana

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