Determination of Agricultural Performances of Different Sater (Satureja hortensis L.) Genotypes in Erzurum Conditions






This study was conducted to determine the adaptation and some agricultural traits of Satureja hortensis genotypes from Iran and Turkey in 2016 under Erzurum ecological conditions. The fifteen genotypes of Satureja hortensis were used in this study; İsfahan, Ahvaz, Colfa, Tebriz, Salmas, Azerşehr, Karac, Nagade, Kazerun, Tahran, Ardebil, Khoy, Urmiye, Şahindej from Iran and Konya from Turkey. The experimental design was the completed block with four replications. S. hortensis genotypes significantly differed in days to flowering, plant height, 1000 seed weights, and seed yield. Based on the results of this experiment the values for the parameters studied in the study were found as 29.42-40.83 cm for plant height, 73.80-91.25 for days to flowering, 18.33-20.95 for the number of branches, 264.20-358.40 kg da-1 for dry leaf yield, 425-610.21 kg da-1 for dry herb yield, 1304-1671 kg da-1 for fresh herb yield, 40-140 kg da-1 for seed yield, 0.4-0.7 gr for 1000 seed weights, 2.9-7.11 L da-1 for essential oil yield and 0.72-1.14 % for essential oil percent. This research suggested that the Satureja hortensis plant could be easily grown in Erzurum ecological conditions. According to the study results, the genotype Turkey could be recommended to the region’s producers for dry drog yield, essential oil yield, essential oil percent, dry leaf yield, the genotype Khoy for fresh herb yield and the genotype Azerşehr for seed yield. In conclusion, genotypes of Satureja hortensis adapted to these climate conditions may provide a new option for growers.


Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University

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