This study aims to analyze the shape and characteristics of learning difficulties in reading at the early grade student of primary school; different learning difficulties of reading experienced by each student, as well as various forms or types of learning difficulties read the most dominant faced by students. This research was conducted at Sekolah Dasar Negeri 3 Sekolah Dasar Negeri 3 Bobosan Kecamatan Purwokerto Utara, Kabupaten Banyumas, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, in April - June 2011. The research was conducted using the qualitative approach with descriptive case study type. To collect research data using interview techniques, observation, documentation, and reading practice test. Data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis technique. The results of the study showed that learning difficulties of reading faced by students appear in four forms of unusual reading habits, mistakes to recognize words, misconceptions of reading, and various symptoms. There are differences and similarities in the characteristics of learning difficulties in reading faced by students in certain forms of difficulty. In terms of achievement of learning outcomes, students who have difficulty learning to read show low learning outcomes in other subjects. This means that learning difficulties of reading are associated with low student learning outcomes in other subjects.
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Universitas Negeri Jakarta
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