Comprehensive analysis of management and development of the territory of the settlement


Ovchinnikova N. G.1,Guryeva A. N.1


1. Don State Technical University


At present, the effective functioning of a settlement directly depends on an established management mechanism, as well as on taking into account the level of development of the territory, which reflects its potential and allows identifying the main problems of using existing resources. As a result of a comprehensive analysis of the management and development of the territory of the settlement, it is possible to determine the main strategic directions in the socio-economic sphere of the territorial organization, as well as to improve the quality of life of the population, which determines the relevance of this article. The main signs of the development of the territory are stability and balance. The first sign determines the long-term preservation of the conditions of reproduction of potential, and the second establishes compliance with the proportions of the main components of its potential. Settlements are located at different levels of development of the territory, which is conditioned by historical, natural-climatic, economic-geographical conditions.


FSFEI HE Don State Technical University

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