Comparison of Compulsory Education of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia


Krišto AnaORCID,Rajić VišnjaORCID


Compulsory education is the basis of formal education, and in countries around the world, it has a different duration and characteristics and most often is related to elementary school. This current study compares compulsory education of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia. In addition to a review of the literature, current applicable laws and regulations, a comparative analysis of national curricula for compulsory education of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia have been made. The study showed that there is a difference in the number of subjects taught in elementary schools in Croatia and Slovenia, as well as in the number of teaching hours of individual subjects. Furthermore, an analysis of six subject areas of primary education that are taught in both countries was made, with respect to content determinants. An analysis of the existing content determinants shows that the same or similar content is taught in both countries, while in only one subject area, further analysis is required. This study provided new insights that can be used to further develop Croatian compulsory education.


FSFEI HE Don State Technical University

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