Analysis of Water Consumption during Fire Extinguishing at Objects of Different Functional Fire Hazard Classes


Kondashov A. A.1ORCID,Bobrinev E. V.1ORCID,Udavtsova E. Yu.1ORCID,Ryumina S. I.1ORCID


1. All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Protection of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters


   Introduction. Fire-fighting water supply systems play a primary role in ensuring effective fire extinguishing. Many researchers both in our country and abroad have considered the requirements for fire-fighting water supply and problematic issues in this area. At the same time, in order to update the requirements for fire-fighting water supply, it is necessary to study the actual water consumption on fires, taking into account the characteristics of fire objects.   The aim of this research was to analyze the water consumption for outdoor firefighting depending on the characteristics of the fire object and compare the actual water consumption with the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety.   Methods and Materials. The authors used statistical data on fires in the Russian Federation for 2019–2021 from the federal state information system "Federal Database "Fires". Methods of statistical data analysis and classification of statistical data were used to determine the actual water consumption for outdoor firefighting, depending on the class of functional fire hazard of the fire object. Visualization of the obtained results was performed by the method of graphical representation of data in the form of histograms and pie charts.   Results. The analysis showed that the highest average water consumption was required for objects of the functional fire hazard class F1.2 "hotels, dormitories (with the exception of apartment-type dormitories), dormitory buildings of sanatoriums and rest homes of general type, campsites" — 10.7 l/s. For apartment buildings, the highest average water consumption was required to extinguish fires that had arisen in the attic — 10 l/s and in the garret — 9.2 l/s.   Discussion and Conclusion. The results of the analysis can be used to clarify the requirements for water consumption for outdoor firefighting, depending on the functional fire hazard class of the object and the number of floors of buildings. In order to meet these requirements, regular monitoring of fire-fighting water supply systems is required, as well as timely maintenance and repair of external and internal fire-fighting water supply systems.


FSFEI HE Don State Technical University


General Medicine

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