1. Don State Technical University
Introduction. Non-destructive methods are most often used to assess the condition of the metal structure. Dangerous stress is determined by the value of the yield strength. This approach has weaknesses. This is, firstly, the probabilistic nature of the methodology (the minimum value of the indicator obtained during laboratory tests is entered into the regulatory and technical documentation). Secondly, the limitations on the number of samples should be overcome. Thirdly, the different duration of operation causes a significant difference in the mechanical characteristics of the metal, which to a certain extent complicates the long-term prediction of the condition of the structure. The presented work is designed to solve these problems within the framework of the study of new and long-operated facilities in the Rostov region. The scientific research objective is to analyze fatigue changes and determine possible degradation of the metal.Materials and Methods. The mechanical characteristics of the material under study were reliably described by the Weibull distribution law through the shear parameter (the minimum possible value of the characteristic) and the shape parameter (magnitude dispersion). For scientific research, the indentation method based on a modified Rockwell hardness estimation method was used as part of the work. A conical indenter was embedded in the surface, then the reaction of the metal was analyzed. To implement the method, an analog-to-digital converter and a laptop were used. For correlation analysis, intermediate characteristics were taken: depth, maximum and minimum velocities, maximum and minimum acceleration of cone insertion. A correlation was established with the mechanical characteristics determined by standard tensile and hardness tests of the metal.Results. Objects with zero and long-term operation were studied. The measurements were carried out in a warehouse, production site, stadium, bridge, Palace of Sports and on a power line support. From the group of new and used structures, one was selected for a detailed fixation of the values of yield strength. So, before the start of operation, the condition of three metal trusses of the warehouse was analyzed. It was established that the lowest value of the yield strength here was 240 MPa, the maximum was 345 MPa. On the power transmission line poles, which have been in operation for 43 years, the lowest recorded value of the yield strength was 235 MPa, the highest was 384 MPa. For each of the six structures, the minimum and average distribution of the metal yield strength values was given, and the coefficients of variation of this indicator were given. The recorded values were summarized in the form of a table. The average values for all new and used designs were calculated. Graphically presented data illustrate the growth of the coefficients of variation of the yield strength with increasing service life.Discussion and Conclusion. A comparative analysis of the obtained values of the yield strength of building structures of approximately the same strength class suggests that the influence of operating time can both increase and decrease the studied indicator. At the same time, long-term operation is a factor that increases the average value of the coefficient of variation. To monitor the strength capabilities of the structure, it is advisable to use a non-destructive method, selectively monitoring the mechanical characteristics of the elements before and during operation.
FSFEI HE Don State Technical University
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