Legal Aspect of Forming the Secure Informational Environment Fostering Dissemination of the Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values


Alekseeva M. V.1ORCID,Podroykina I. A.2ORCID


1. Don State Technical University; Rostov Branch of the Russian Customs Academy

2. Rostov Branch of the Russian Customs Academy; Chechen State University named after A.A. Kadyrov


Introduction. During the last decades, several generations of people in Russia matured being disoriented in culture, traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. There can be observed the overwhelming replacement of the traditional values with pseudo-values and acceptance by people of the deviant behavior, often leading to self-destruction and new understanding of the norm. This became possible due to the absence of proper control over the flow of information on behalf of the state. Recently, our state has sensitized activities aimed at forming the informational environment fostering development of the high moral qualities in a person and adherence to the traditional value benchmarks. Since the information resources have a particular influence on moulding the present generation, the important task today is allocated to development and promotion of such information resources that can stop the process of losing the social and moral benchmarks by the present generation. The aim of the study is to evaluate the existing legislative acts from perspective of their capacity for full-scale regulation of the process of forming the secure informational environment, that can ensure the proper dissemination level of the spiritual, moral values, which are deemed traditional.Materials and Methods. The legislative acts regulating the work of the modern information resources and their impact on the present generation have become the material for the study. Such general methods of scientific cognition as the dialectical and legalistic methods, as well as the analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction have been used in the article.Results. In the Strategy of the Information Society Development in the Russian Federation for 2017 – 2030, the need to form an informational environment based on promotion of the information resources fostering dissemination of the traditional Russian spiritual and moral values is indicated. The idea itself, formulated in the concept, deserves unconditional support. At the same time, its implementation may face a number of problems and difficulties, which are primarily related to the conceptual apparatus. The absence of a uniform, high-quality conceptual apparatus in terms of the Russian language, the logic of replenishing, the unambiguous comprehension thereof for using in the allied regulatory legal acts, can depreciate all the attempts of the legislators to ensure forming the appropriate informational environment. To enable a complete regulation of the process of forming the secure informational environment, that can ensure the proper dissemination level of the spiritual and moral values, which are deemed traditional, it is necessary today, taking into account the above-mentioned and along with the other measures, to make an inventory and systematise the terminology and concepts in the sphere of legal regulation of the secure informational environment formation.Discussion and Conclusions. The definitional part of the legal background for forming the infosphere of knowledge is yet under development, but it already requires a quicker and more complete definition of its content and functional nature in terms of the subject of relations, the forms and methods of legal impact. The inventory and systematisation of the terminology and concepts in the sphere of legal regulation of the secure informational environment formation should be carried out as soon as possible, because this will foster implementation of the legal conditions for the informational counteracting at the present stage of the Russian Federation information society development.


FSFEI HE Don State Technical University

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