1. Don State Technical University
2. National Research University – Higher School of Economics; Academy of Labor and Social Relations
Introduction. For a long time the application of the extensive land and forest management at the abandoned agricultural land had no respective legislative framework, that would regulate forests growing. The proprietors, who were in despair due to the excessive fines imposed on them for not using the agricultural land, had been burning up the forests on their lands causing considerable damage to themselves, society, the state and nature. In Russia, the area of the abandoned agricultural land suitable for forestry is about 76 million hectares. In 2020 two extremely important regulatory legal documents concerning the forests located on the agricultural land not used in compliance with its intended purpose were adopted – the Russian Federation Government Decree No 1509 of September 21, 2020 (hereinafter – Decree No 1509) and the Russian Federation Government Decree No 1482. The business entities (including the proprietors and forest managers) interested in development of this sector have noted the positive dynamics in the legislation development because of the profound opportunities opened for forests multiplication –– there appeared the opportunities for forest farming and growing the forests on the abandoned agricultural land, setting-up the nursery forests, developing the rural territories, particularly in the Non-Black-Soil zone, all of these can benefit the Russian forests stock, preserve biodiversity and, not the least, improve the overall ecological and climate situation in the country and in the world. By the beginning of 2023, this sector of legal relationships has been significantly amended by the legislators, however it should be noted, that the legal regulation and settlement of many issues in this sector still remain difficult. The aim of the present research is to distinguish the problematic issues in development of the Russian Federation agroforestry legislation and implementation of the Russian Federation Government Decree No 1509 of September 21, 2020.Materials and Methods. In the article, the issue of growing the forests on agricultural land was analysed. The general scientific and specific scientific methods were used in the research. The methodology of the study was based on the dialectical method, as well as on the legalistic, comparative-legal, system-structural kinds of analysis.Results. It was revealed, that the formidable administrative and regulatory barriers have been set forth the agroforestry evolvement and this sector of the legislation development needs serious reassessment. Urgent steps must be taken to identify all the gaps and shortcomings and to rectify the situation.Discussion and Conclusions. The problems caused by adding the numerous amendments to the Decree № 1509, complicating the forests growing on agricultural land, have been revealed. The transit to the intensive management of forests and removal of bureaucratic barriers in development of the agroforestry are deemed necessary.
FSFEI HE Don State Technical University
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