Life Cycle Analysis of Steam and Gas Turbine CHP Plants


Bespalov V. I.1ORCID,Gurova O. S.1ORCID,Lysova E. P.1ORCID,Grishin G. S.1


1. Don State Technical University


Introduction. When choosing the optimal heat and electric power generating technology, the most promising in terms of ensuring maximum credibility of obtained results is the method of assessing the environmental and economic efficiency of various objects, which implies the application of the studied object life cycle assessment method to be the initial main stage. The authors tackle the problem of assessing the life cycle of steam and gas turbine CHP plants for selecting the optimal heat and electric power generating technology. The aim of the study is to define the main stages and their corresponding specifications of steam and gas CHP plants’ life cycle as facilities generating heat and electric power within the structure of various purpose urban complexes.Materials and methods. The authors' research is based on the object life cycle assessment method as well as on the quality management system and the theory of selecting and evaluating the various objects’ environmental and economic efficiency. Results. Based on the research, it was found that: -CHP plants are of particular interest in terms of selecting the optimal cogeneration technology because many technological types of this energy are implemented there; - the life cycle assessment method may well be implemented at CHP plants; - the authors have taken a steam and gas turbine CHP plant as an object for the life cycle analysis because it has significant advantage over other similar technologies; - the life cycle of a steam and gas turbine CHP plant includes three main stages: construction (erecting, setting-up and commissioning), operation and disposal, which have the largest share in the overall life cycle; - the most significant processes have been identified for each of the distinguished life cycle stages of a steam and gas turbine CHP plant.Discussion and conclusion. The performed life cycle analysis led to the conclusion that the life cycle of a steam and gas turbine CHP plant, the one commonly used in real life and representing particular interest in terms of choosing the optimal technology, has three main stages occupying the largest share in the overall life cycle: construction, operation and disposal. Besides, the most significant processes were identified and described for each of the distinguished life cycle stages of a steam and gas turbine CHP plant.


FSFEI HE Don State Technical University

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