Methods of Enhancing Energy Efficiency at the Stage of Construction of High-Rise Residential Buildings


Sheina S. G.1ORCID,Girya L. V.1ORCID,Shvets A. E.1ORCID,Larin N. S.1ORCID


1. Don State Technical University


Introduction. People’s growing needs in energy resources in conditions of resource deposits depletion makes it relevant the development of methods of enhancing buildings energy efficiency. The article notes the importance of increasing the level of energy efficiency by selecting a set of measures for the efficient use of energy resources at all stages of the life cycle. The analysis of Rostov-on-Don housing stock and positive trend in housing commissioning capacity growth in Russia point at the need to enhance the energy efficiency of buildings being under construction.Materials and Methods. Energy efficient methods are as follows: the application of modern thermal insulation materials and "green" building technologies. The latter implies the approach to the design of buildings inferring minimized impact on the environment at all stages of the life cycle - from a building’s design to its elimination - including the application of "green" technologies: Smart Energy Glass windows, recuperators, solar panels.Results. The results of energy-efficient technologies application were considered on the example of “Ostrovsky” residential compound being under construction in Rostov-on-Don. As a result the planned energy efficiency class B (high) was upgraded to A + (very high), which corresponds to one of the green building criteria.Discussion and Conclusions. The use of energy efficient measures in construction of residential buildings allows to save considerable amounts of energy and resources at the stage of high-rise buildings operation, resulting in their energy efficiency class enhancement.


FSFEI HE Don State Technical University

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