Comparative Evaluation of Surgical Methods of Uterine Prolapse Treatment in Cats and Dogs


Kurtekov V. A.1ORCID


1. Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University


Introduction. Currently, keeping the small pets, in particular cats and dogs, is becoming more and more popular every year. Unfortunately, not all the breeders are familiar with the rules of care, feeding, keeping, breeding and first aid provision during the parturitions. Thus there occur cases of the pathological patrimonial activity, which can subsequently lead to uterine prolapse in animals. Another important reason causing pathology is keeping animals in the self-walking. This leads to uncontrolled mating of animals of various breeds and weight categories and most often causes macrocarpous pregnancies in females.The aim of the study is to make the comparative evaluation of the surgical methods of uterine prolapse treatment in cats and dogs, whereas the pathology itself is much less common than other reproductive diseases and has not been sufficiently studied.Materials and methods. The study was carried out from 2021 to 2022 at the Chair of Non-Contagious Diseases of Agricultural Animals of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University” and at the premises of the veterinary clinic “Polar Bear” of the town of Yalutorovsk. The objects of the study were cats and dogs of different breeds and ages admitted to the clinic. During the study, the clinical, biochemical methods and the anamnesis data were used.Results. Within the period from 2021 to 2022 the number of pet owners attending the clinic was 6179. Of these, 2505 (40.5 %) were admitted with dogs, 3593 (58.1 %) with cats and 81 (1.3 %) with other animals. Among cats and dogs 4345 females were registered, their share equaled to 71.3 %, of which 2816 (46.2 %) were cats and 1529 (25.1 %) were dogs. The share of reproductive diseases in cats accounted for 683 cases out of 2816 (24.3 %), in dogs – 389 cases out of 1529 (25.4 %). It was found that uterine prolapse in cats accounts for 1.8 %, and in dogs for 3.3%. It was also revealed that the pathology occurs in cats aged 3 to 6 years old (50.0 %), in dogs under the age of 12 months old (46.2 %), due to the onset of the first estrus, and in animals older than 7 years old (53.9 %) due to multiple parturitions. In terms of breed susceptibility among cats the pathology was most often found in outbred specimens (50.0 %).Discussion and conclusions. The efficiency of treatment during the reposition of prolapsed uterus in the first group of animals was 30 %; this leads to the conclusion that the risk of relapse is very high and that the ovariohysterectomy is recommended for this pathology.


FSFEI HE Don State Technical University

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