Possible Unilateral Iris Melanoma in a Cat






A tumor known as feline iris melanoma has a high chance of metastasizing and is characterized by multifocal, golden yellow to brown pigmented patches in the iris. Despite the fact that cats of any age can develop this tumor, there is no breed or sex-specific susceptibility. The case material was a female Russian blue cat that was neutered at the age of 5, weighed 4.5 kg, and was taken to the surgical clinic of the faculty of veterinary medicine at the University of Siirt. According to the patient's medical history, a brown spot-like pigmented region had developed on the right eye's iris two months prior, and up until the cat was brought to the clinic, the pigmented patches in the iris grew in number and size. As a result of routine clinical examination, tonometry, haematological and biochemical examinations, uveal cysts and iris freckles with similar clinical symptoms were eliminated and it was concluded that the pathological condition was iris melanoma. In addition, it was determined that melanoma foci were involved only on the iris surface in line with the available possibilities and did not metastasise to other tissues and organs of the eye. Since the disease was in the initial stage, the general condition of the patient was good after clinical examinations and the owner of the patient did not accept enucleation, it was decided not to perform any intervention. The owner of the patient was instructed that during the follow-up phase, the foci should be checked and the patient should continue to be under supervision. When the patient was summoned back for a follow-up examination three months later, it was decided to undertake enucleation in case any potential melanoma foci or metastases had grown in other eye tissues or organs.


Kastamonu Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi

Reference13 articles.

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