1. Universidade Federal Fluminense
2. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy
3. Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
The aim of the study is to investigate the construction of street dances in the city of Rio de Janeiro, describing urban dancers and their daily 'art of doing', listening to their voices and observing their physical and virtual interactions. In this paper, a specific methodological approach is applied towards a tactical plan in order to understand the urban dance phenomenon within the universe of hip-hop culture. This particular approach includes the analysis of eleven narratives of young dancers and their everyday experiences, their personal life stories, interlinked with categories such as masculinity and business. The results reveal the complexity of hip-hop and street-dance culture in general, and specifically among young Brazilians. The narratives of these young men have provided an effective means for representing hip-hop dancers’ concerns and bodily articulations in order to comprehend their dance practice and the construction of spaces, but also indicate aesthetic and commercial dimensions.
Keywords: Hip-hop; dance; urban; masculinity; Brazil.
Revista Intercontinental de Gestao Desportiva
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