Purpose: The Rural Development Component of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPARD) program, which was first implemented by the EU between 2007 and 2013, has been implemented in Turkey since 2011. In the study, it is aimed to investigate whether the implementation of the EU Rural Development Policy in Turkey is successful or not.
Methodology: The evaluation is made based on the data obtained from previous research, the data of the Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (ARDSI) and Malatya Provincial Coordinatorship, and the data obtained from a survey conducted with beneficiaries in Malatya. The data obtained through the survey are statistically analyzed using the IBM SPSS 22 program and evaluations are made on the results of the IPARD program in Turkey according to the results of the analysis.
Findings: In the study, the Turkish implementation of the IPARD program was generally successful, a large number of enterprises producing in EU standards were brought to the province of Malatya, a culture of preparing investment projects was created, experience was gained in making feasibility studies and financial analysis on the sustainability of agricultural enterprises, and it contributed directly or indirectly to employment increase. presented has been identified.
Originality: There are very few studies in the literature on the success of the IPARD program in Turkey. In none of these studies, no data was collected directly from the beneficiaries by the questionnaire method and statistical analysis was not carried out with the SPSS method. In addition, there is no previous study on the case of Malatya province.
Stratejik Arastirmalar ve Verimlilik Genel Mudurlugu Verimlilik Dergisi
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