Purpose: In this study, it is aimed to determine the role of human resource management practices, from the focus of control and commitment, on the job crafting behaviors of employees.
Methodology: In accordance with the purpose of the study, a total of 22 people among the third year students of the Human Resources Management Department of a university in Izmir, were selected and semi-structured interviews were conducted. The answers obtained from the interviews were analyzed and interpreted with the descriptive analysis method.
Findings: As a result of the research, it has been determined that while control-oriented human resource management practices make it difficult for the emergence of job crafting, commitment-oriented human resource management practices facilitate the emergence of job crafting. Additionally it has been observed that some control-oriented human resource management practices can positively affect the job crafting of employees.
Originality: In the literature, there are not many studies examining the concept within the scope of control and commitment-oriented human resources management practices. This study is important in terms of being the first study in this focus in Turkish literature.
Keywords: Job Crafting, Human Resources Management, Control-Oriented Human Resources Practices, Commitment-Oriented Human Resources Management Practices.
JEL Codes: J24, M12, O15.
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