1. Golan, L., Radcliffe, C. W., Militer, T., O’Connell, B., & Chiszar, D. Trailing behavior in prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis). Manuscript submitted for publication.
2. O’Connell, B., & Chiszar, D. Chemosensory searching after predatory and defensive strikes by rattlesnakes. Paper presented at the meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, Knoxville, Tennessee, June 22–26, 1981.
3. Scudder, K. M. Mechanisms mediating the sequential aspects of predatory episodes in crotalid snakes. Doctoral dissertation in preparation, University of Colorado, Department of E.P.O. Biology.
4. Chiszar, D., Stimac, K., Poole, T., Miller, T., Radcliffe, C. W., & Smith, H. M. Strike-induced chemosensory searching in cobras (Naja naja kaouthia, N. mossambica pallida). Manuscript in preparation.