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3. Bales, R. F. Task roles and social roles in problem solving groups. In Eleanor E. Maccoby, T. M. Newcomb, & E. L. Hartley (Eds.), Readings in Social Psychology (3rd Ed.). New York: Holt, 1958. Pp. 437–447.
4. Bales, R. F., & Slater, P. E. Role differentiation in small decision-making groups. In T. Parson, R. F. Bales, et al (Eds.), The family, socialization, and interaction process. New York: Free Press, 1955. Pp. 259–306.
5. Hollander, E. P., & Webb, W. B. Leadership, followership, and friendship: An analysis of peer nominations. J. abnorm. soc. Psychol., 1955, 50, 163–167.