1. Eslinger, P. J., & Ludvigson, H. W.Discriminability of reward and frustration odors as a function of individual and sex differences in odor production. Paper presented at the meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans, April 1978.
2. Taylor, R., & Ludvigson, H. W.Selective removal of runway odors to pinpoint olfactory control of double alternation patterning in rats. Paper presented at the meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth, Texas, April 1977.
3. McNeese. R., & Ludvigson, H. W.Searching for the source of frustration odor. Paper presented at the meeting of the South-western Psychological Association, Houston, April 1975.
4. Eslinger, P. J., & Travis-Neideffer, M. N.Utilization of odor cues as a function of like or unlike motivational-reward operations in donor and test rats. Paper presented at the meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, Texas, April 1979.