1. Repp, B. H.Temporal integration and “coperception” in speech perception: Experiments with intervocalic stop consonants. Unpublished manuscript, 1977 (available from the author).
2. Dorman, M. F., Raphael, L. 1.. & Liberman, A. M.Some experiments on the sound of silence in phonetic perception. Manuscript submitted for publication, 1978.
3. Fujimura, O.A look into the effects of context—some articulatory and perceptual findings. Paper presented at the 8th International Congress of Phonetic Science, Leeds, England, 1975.
4. Rudnicky, A. I., & Cole, R. A.Vowel identification and subsequent context. Paper presented at the 93rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, University Park, Pennsylvania, June 1977. [Abstracted inJournal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1977,61 (Supplement No. I), S39.]
5. Repp, B. H. Perception of implosive transitions in VCV utterances.Haskins Laboratories Status Report on Speech Research, 1976,SR-48, 209–233.