1. Crowder, R. G. (1984). Perception of the major/minor distinction: I. Historical and theoretical foundations. Psychomusicology, 4, 3–10.
2. Helmholtz, H. L. F. (1954). On the sensations of tone (4th ed.; A. J. Ellis, Trans.). New York: Dover. (Original work published 1885)
3. Kastner, M. P., & Crowder, R. G. (1990). Perception of the major/minor distinction: IV. Emotional connotations in young children. Music Perception, 8, 189–202.
4. Krumhansl, C. L., & Jusczyk, P. W. (1990). Infants’ perception of phrase structure in music. Music Perception, 1, 70–73.
5. Rameau, J. (1971). Treatise on harmony (P. Gossett, Trans.). New York: Dover. (Original work published 1722)