1. Gould, J. D., & Schaffer, A. Eye-movement patterns in scanning numeric displays. Percept. mot. Skills, 1965a, 20, 521–535.
2. Gould, J. D., & Schaffer, A. Eye movements in visual information processing: Scanning numeric displays and patterned stimuli. In preparation. A portion of these results were presented at E. P. A., Atlantic City, 1965b.
3. Lorens, S. A., & Darrow, C. W. Eye movements, EEG, GSR, and EKG during mental multiplication. EEG clin. Neurophys., 1962, 14, 739–746.
4. Mackworth, J. F., & Mackworth, N. H. Eye fixations recorded on changing visual scenes by the television eye-marker. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 1958, 48, 439–445.
5. Senders, J. W. The human operator as a monitor and controller of multidegree of freedom systems. IEEE trans. hum. fact. Electron., 1964, 5, 1–5.