Rurality, landscaping, tourism and sustainable development


Battisti Alessandra1


The "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" identifies 17 Objectives SDGs (UN 2015) that implicitly formulate a j’accuse of the current model of world growth and evolution from an environmental, economic and social point of view, overcoming the idea that sustainability is only an environmental issue. The 169 goals that the signatory countries have committed themselves to achieve by 2030 constitute an integrated vision of the different dimensions of development (UN 2017). Furthermore, according to some recent researches and opinions, we must look to the past of the spontaneous rural pre-industrial villages to write a future in which some of the signs and values present in them as perennial and lasting heritage could be used to regulate the management of the economy and territories (Berti et al. 2010). A legacy that emerges in a deeply diversified way in landscape and in the territory (Schlögel, 2009) in which the plurimillennial time of biophysical processes has produced differences in exposure to the sun, winds, humidity, temperature, vegetation, species, and where the secular time of anthropic processes produced stratification of signs, senses, cultures, "an attraction for the permanent settlement of the most varied ethnic groups and a conservation and regeneration of their cultures, the diversity of languages, attitudes, food, music and gestures" (Barca, 2018). To get to the time of the "narrated history", according to the definition given by the historian Le Goff, dominated by the "infinitely human" (Le Goff,1982), whose experience leaves its traces in unofficial sources. In this history, time and culture are not idealistic and disenchanted Geist of an era, but they translate into storytelling, myth, story, and the architecture and the built environment contain dreams and hopes produced by the encounter-clash between the individual and collectivity, between subordinate and dominant classes.


Polis University

Reference23 articles.

1. UN (2015) 17 goals for sustainable development. Available at:

2. UN (2018) Global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Available at: Last accessed: 2019, September

3. Berti, G., Brunori, G., Guarino, A. (2010), “Aree rurali e configurazioni turistiche”, in D. Cinti (a cura di), Turismo rurale e progetto di paesaggio. La Valtiberina Toscana per un turismo naturale e culturale sostenibile, Alinea Editrice, Firenze.

4. Schlögel, K. (2009), Leggere il tempo nello spazio, Milano.

5. Barca, F. (2018). “In conclusione: immagini, sentimenti e strumenti eterodossi per una svolta radicale”, in De Rossi, A. (a cura di), Riabitare l’Italia. Le aree interne tra abbandoni e riconquiste, Roma: Donzelli, pp. 551-566.







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