This study investigates the pounding phenomenon by shaking table experiments on two scaled building models. Representing the situation where the seismic gap is insufficient, two building models are adjacently positioned on the shaking table, and pounding was investigated for harmonic and strong ground motion excitations. Displacement and acceleration responses were obtained to observe the pounding effect experimentally from video and accelerometer recordings, respectively. The Kelvin-Voigt Model consisting of spring and damper was used for numerical pounding analysis. The most critical parameters of the Kelvin–Voigt model, which are the spring stiffness (ks) and the damping, are calculated according to the coefficient of restitution (r) and were investigated and compared with harmonic experimental results. The obtained parameters, compatible with the harmonic experiments, were used to examine structural behavior under earthquake effect for the case where the building models are positioned for an insufficient seismic gap. For comparison, numerous numerical simulations were realized using different spring stiffnesses and coefficients of restitution. The study shows that when the coefficient of restitution is taken as 0.2 or 0.4, and the ratio of spring stiffness to shear stiffness (ks/k) is 1 or 5, reasonable results in numerical earthquake simulations can be obtained.
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