1. Population Parameters for the Common Guillemot Uria aalge
2. Ecological relationships between Common Murres, Uria aalge, and Thick-billed Murres, Uria lomvia, at the Gannet Islands, Labrador. II. Breeding success and site characteristics
3. BYRD, G. V., E. C. MURPHY, G. W. KAISER, A. Y.KONDRATYEV, AND Y. V. SMBAEV. 1993. Statusand ecology of offshore fish-feeding alcids (murresand puffins) in the North Pacific, p. 176-186. InK. Vermeer, K. T. Briggs, K. H. Morgan and D.Siegel-Causey [eds.], The status, ecology and con-servation of marine birds of the North Pacific.Can. Wildl. Serv., Ottawa, Ontario.ByrdStatus and ecology of offshore fish-feeding alcids (murres and puffins) in the North Pacific176The status, ecology and conservation of marine birds of the North Pacific1993