1. Emile Durkheim, Suicide: A Study inSociology, New York: The Free Press, 1951,pp. 297-298.Durkheim297Suicide: A Study in Sociology1951
2. "A Youth Who Was PrematurelyTired," in Ruth Cavan, Suicide, Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1928, p. 242.A Youth Who Was Prematurely Tired242Suicide1928
3. Edwin S. Shneidman and Norman L.Farberow, "Appendix: Genuine and Simu-lated Suicide Notes," in Clues to Suicide,New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957, p. 197.ShneidmanAppendix: Genuine and Simulated Suicide Notes197Clues to Suicide1957
4. Charles William Wahl, "Suicide as aMagical Act," in Edwin S. Shneidman andNorman L. Farberow, editors, Clues toSuicide, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957,p. 23.WahlSuicide as a Magical Act23Clues to Suicide1957
5. Situated Actions and Vocabularies of Motive