The considerations which I propose to put before you to-day arose from an attempt, when teaching students, to build up the classical laws of Newtonian Mechanics inductively from laboratory experiments.In this task we are immediately confronted with two fundamental notions, those of mass and force.It will probably be admitted that no definition of a physical quantity can be accepted as adequate unless it implies a criterion leading to an unambiguous measure of the thing defined.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Cited by
5 articles.
1. Discussion: The Axiomatization of Classical Mechanics;Models of Discovery;1977
2. The Axioms of Newtonian Mechanics;Models of Discovery;1977
3. XCIII. The axioms of Newtonian mechanics;The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science;1947-12
4. The dimensions of physical quantities;Proceedings of the Physical Society;1941-07-01
5. XLVII. On mass and farce in Newtonian mechanics—addendum to “Mass I.” and “Mass II”;The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science;1940-05