1. Patrick Collinson, The Birthpangs of Protestant England (Basingstoke, England, 1988), 127Collinson127The Birthpangs of Protestant England1988
2. Edward Symmons, A Loyall Subjects Beliefe, Expressed in a Letter to Master Stephen Marshall, ThomasonEio3(6) (Oxford, 1643), 83Symmons83A Loyall Subjects Beliefe, Expressed in a Letter to Master Stephen Marshall1643
3. Bramhall, The Works ofthe Most Reverend Father in God John Bramhall, D.D., ed. A. W. H. Lister, 5 vols. (Oxford, 1842-45),3:289-496Bramhall2893The Works of the Most Reverend Father in God John Bramhall, D.D.1842