1. Italy in English Literature, 1755-1815 (New York, 1934), pp. 174-80174Italy in English Literature, 1755-18151934
2. Clifford, Hester Lynch Piozzi (Oxford, 1941), p. 252Clifford252Hester Lynch Piozzi1941
3. Mrs. Piozzi, "Autobiographical Memoirs" in Dr. Johnson's Mrs. Thrale, ed. J. H.Logan (London, 1910), pp. 52-55PiozziAutobiographical Memoirs52Dr. Johnson's Mrs. Thrale1910
4. William Gifford, The Baviad and Maeviad (London and Philadelphia, reprintedfor William Cobbett, 1799), p. xviiGiffordxviiThe Baviad and Maeviad1799