1. Variation in White-Throated Sparrow Songs
2. FALLS, J. B. 1969. Functions of territorial song in theWhite-throated Sparrow, p. 207-232. In R. A.Hinde [ED.], Bird vocalizations. Cambridge Univ.Press, Cambridge.FallsFunctions of territorial song in the White-throated Sparrow207Bird vocalizations1969
3. Does song deter territorial intrusion in White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis)?
4. FALLS, J. B., AND J. G. KOPACHENA. 1994. White-throat-ed Sparrow, p. 1-30. In A. Poole and F. Gill [EDS.],The birds of North America, No. 128. The Acad-emy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and theAmerican Ornithologists' Union, Washington, DC.FallsWhite-throated Sparrow1The birds of North America1994