1. BAKER, A. J., P. M. GONZÁLEZ, T. PIERSMA, C. D. T.MINTON, J. R. WILSON, H. SITTERS, D. GRAHAM,R. JESSOP, P. COLLINS, P. DE GOEIJ, M. K. PECK, R.LINI, L. BALA, G. PAGNONI, A. VILA, E. BREMER,R. BASTIDA, E. IENO, D. BLANCO, I. DE LIMA DONASCIMENTO, S. S. SCHERER, M. P. SCHNEIDER, A.SILVA, AND A. A. F. RODRIGUES. 1999. Northboundmigration of Red Knot Calidris canutus rufa inArgentina and Brazil. Wader Study Group Bull.88:64-75.Baker64Northbound migration of Red Knot Calidris canutus rufa in Argentina and Brazil1999
2. New tools for sex identification and the study of sex allocation in birds