1. Egg Formation in Cassin's Auklet
2. CARTER, H. R., AND K. J. KULETZ. 1995. Mortalityof Marbled Murrelets due to oil pollution inNorth America. Pages 261-269 in Ecology andConservation of the Marbled Murrelet (C. J.Ralph, G. L. Hunt, Jr., M. G. Raphael, and J.P. Piatt, Eds.). U.S. Department of Agriculture,Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-GTR-152.CarterMortality of Marbled Murrelets due to oil pollution in North America261Ecology and Conservation of the Marbled Murrelet1995
3. CARTER, H. R., M. L. C. MCALLISTER, AND M. E.ISLEIB. 1995. Mortality of Marbled Murreletsin gill nets in North America. Pages 271-283in Ecology and Conservation of the MarbledMurrelet (C. J. Ralph, G. L. Hunt, Jr., M. G.Raphael, and J. P. Piatt, Eds.). U.S. Departmentof Agriculture, Forest Service GeneralTechnical Report PSW-GTR-152.CarterMortality of Marbled Murrelets in gill nets in North America271Ecology and Conservation of the Marbled Murrelet1995