1. A.D. Moody, Shakespeare: "The Merchant of Venice" (London: Edward Arnold Ltd.1964), p.61.Moody, 61, Shakespeare: "The Merchant of Venice", 1964
2. Shakespeare, the Jews, and The Merchant of Venice
3. Shakespeare, the Jews, and The Merchant of Venice
4. Anthony Hecht, "TheMerchant of Venice. A Venture in Hermeneutics," Obligati: Essays in Criticism (NewYork: Atheneum, 1986), pp. 140-229Hecht The Merchant of Venice. A Venture in Hermeneutics140, Obligati: Essays in Criticism, 1986
5. Edgar Elmer Stoll, Shylock (reprinted in the SignetClassic Merchant of Venice, 1965), pp. 157-172.Stoll, 157, Shylock, 1965