1. Lewingoes to say: "A tenporary regressionfrequently occurs in tense emotional situa-tions with normal and adults and childrenparticularly if these emotions are un-pleasant. Fatigue, oversatiation andsickness often cause tempoarary regres-sion." (4)
2. 2, 9p
3. George Herbert Mead has elaboratedespecially on this aspect of reciprocity insocial relations: "The child who plays ina game must be ready to take the attitudeof everybody else involved in that game. The child taking one role must beready to take the role of everyone else." (6)
4. Merton's distinction: func-tions are those observed consequences whichmake for the adaptation or adjustment ofa given system; and dysfunctions, thoseobserved consequences which lessen theadaptation or adjustment of the sys-tem. (7)
5. Individual and mass behavior in extreme situations.