1. Arnold Schoenberg, The Musical Idea and the Logic, Technique, and Artof Its Presentation, edited and translated, with commentary, by Patricia Car-penter and Severine Neff (New York: Columbia University Press, 1995),198-99Schoenberg198The Musical Idea and the Logic, Technique, and Art of Its Presentation1995
2. Grosvenor Cooper and Leonard Meyer, The Rhythmic Structure ofMusic (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960), 4Cooper4The Rhythmic Structure of Music1960
3. Fred Lerdahl and RayJackendoff, A Generative Theory- of Tonal Music (Cambridge, Mass.: MITPress, 1983), 8Lerdahl8A Generative Theory- of Tonal Music1983
4. Lerdahl and Jackendoff, "It must be emphasized at the outset that beats,as such, do not have duration"; A Generative Theory, 18LerdahlIt must be emphasized at the outset that beats, as such, do not have duration18A Generative Theory