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3. Prosser, C. Ladd. 1965. Levels of Or-ganization and Their Biological andPhysiological Significance, in Ideasin Modern Biology (John A. Moore,Ed.). Natural History Press, GardenCity, N.Y. p. 359-390.ProsserLevels of Organization and Their Biological and Physiological Significance359Ideas in Modern Biology1965
4. Webster's Third New International Dic-tionary, Unabridged. 1961. (P.B.Gove, Ed.). G. and C. Merriam Co.Springfield, Mass. p. 1067.Gove1067Webster's Third New International Dictionary1961
5. Weisz, Paul B. 1961. Elements of Biol-ogy. 1st ed. McGraw-Hill Book Co.Inc., New York. p. 48-49.Weisz148Elements of Biology1961