Comparative Macroscopic and Microscopic Gunflint Use- Wear Analysis


Mattson Mathew


Abstract The present research is focused on a morphological and microscopic comparative analysis of the gunflints of the fur trade component of the Horseshoe Bay site (21CA201), Leech Lake, Cass County, Minnesota. Background information pertaining to the Horseshoe Bay site is followed by the research methodologies utilized in the current analysis of the gunflints. Morphological and microscopic patterns of use wear have identified two different functions for gunflints. The results of the analysis indicate that (1) gunflints can potentially retain use-wear associated ferric depositions for an extended period of time; (2) the ferric depositions retained on archaeologically recovered gunflints display diagnostic striation patterns and microspherule attachment remnants that match replicated samples; (3) gunflints utilized for fire starting in conjunction with a fire steel display morphological characteristics that can be visually identified; and (4) gunflints were utilized for the purposes of fire starting in northern Minnesota during the period circa 1784 to at least 1853.


University of Illinois Press



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