1. Austin Independent School District, Austin, Texas
The investigation was designed to determine preference for balance in four-voice chorales. Choral conductors ( n = 35) and high school choral students ( n = 52) verbally stated their balance preference and then listened individually to SATB chorale excerpts. Subjects were instructed to manipulate the loudness controls of a four-channel tape recorder as an operant measure of preferred balance. The tape recorder allowed regulation of the loudness of a single voice without affecting the other three. Subjects heard two equally balanced trials and eight unbalanced trials (one voice 9–13 dB louder than the other three). Analyses indicated: (a) subjects preferred significantly less bass; (b) subjects could discriminate when a single voice was unbalanced; however, the unbalanced voice was adjusted significantly louder relative to balanced trials, indicating an initial perception effect; and (c) there were no significant differences between students and conductors. Further results are discussed in terms of application to music education and implications for future research.
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6 articles.