1. Aji, Hélène, Antoine Cazé, Angès Derail-Imbert, and Clément Oudart, eds. H.D. and Modernity. Paris: Presses de l'École Normale Supérieure, 2014. Print.
2. -, eds. H.D. 's “Trilogy” and Beyond. Paris: Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2014. Print.
3. All Things Gatsby—A Trivia Quiz About The Great Gatsby. Ver. 1.0. Sandman Apps, 2013. iOS app.
4. Beinecke Digital Collections. Yale U Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Lib., 2012. Web. July 26, 2015. <http://brbl-dl.library.yale.edu/vufirid/>.
5. Beinecke Library. “Scrapbook by Hilda Doolittle, a.k.a., H.D.” Flickr. Web. July 26,2015. <https:// www.flickr.com/photos/beinecke_library/sets/72157622105638953/?ytcheck=l>.