1. Professor J. E. Nealehas described as "no more than a tract for the times on the subject of the succession,containing a palpable attack on Mary's [Mary Stuart's] title' Queen Elizabeth (Lon-don, 1934), p. 200Nealeno more than a tract for the times on the subject of the succession, containing a palpable attack on Mary's [Mary Stuart's] title200Queen Elizabeth1934
2. Professor Neale again, "it clearly wasnot delivered as such." Elizabeth I and Her Parliaments, 1559-1581 (London, 1953),p. 104Nealeit clearly was not delivered as such104Elizabeth I and Her Parliaments, 1559-15811953
3. John Leslie, A Defense ofthe Honor of the Right, High, Mighty, and Noble Princess Mary, Queen of Scotland. (London, 1569), pp. 69-85Leslie69A Defense of the Honor of the Right, High, Mighty, and Noble Princess Mary, Queen of Scotland .1569