1. The History of Farallon Island Marine Bird Populations, 1854-1972
2. AINLEY, D. G., H. R. CARTER, D. W. ANDERSON, K. T.BRiGGs, M. C. COULTER, F. CRUZ, J. B. CRUZ, C. A.VALLE, S. I. FEFER, S. A. HATCH, E. A. SCHREIBER,R. W. SCHREIBER, AND N. G. SMrrH. 1988. Effectsof the 1982-1983 El Niño-Southern Oscillationon Pacific Ocean bird populations. Pages 1747-1758 in Acta XIX Congressus Internationalis Or-nithologici (H. Ouellet, Ed.). Ottawa, Ontario,1986. National Museum of Natural Science, Ot-tawa.AinleyEffects of the 1982-1983 El Niño-Southern Oscillation on Pacific Ocean bird populations1747Acta XIX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici1988
3. On the Occurrence of Eastern Wood Warblers in Western North America